eBloque’s distributed architecture resolves the competing challenges of transparency and privacy, leading to stronger regulatory compliance, lower costs and a seamless customer experiences.

eBloque technology provides a way to record and transfer data that is transparent, safe, auditable, and resistant to outages. This technology and our approach has the ability to make organizations that use it transparent, democratic, decentralized, efficient, and secure. This will likely disrupt many industries in the coming years. These are some of the industries that we are already disrupting.


The healthcare industry is on the verge of disruption in its digital infrastructure. The current system does not fully support the security or interoperability that is inherently necessary. The data is fragmented, easily corrupted and its security is compromised during the transfer. To utilize collected medical data to its maximum potential, data portability and interoperability of records between systems is a must. With the advent of wearables and numerous new IoT devices that are interconnected with their data flows harnessed, better security is needed and readily accessible to healthcare professionals. The eBloque technology allows creating an immutable decentralized database for health data to help to cope with all the major problems:

  • The patient Personal Health Records (PHR) are encrypted and stored securely in a tamper-proof eBloque, which guarantees its integrity and compliance.
  • eBloque is able to integrate health information from all sources under a single roof: medical testing results, patient-generated health data (PGHD) from the IoT devices, medical reports, guaranteeing higher accuracy of the diagnosis and treatment guidelines
  • Personal healthcare data is accessible only to authorized institutions (insurance company/hospital) on patient’s demand by rule-based smart contracts.
  • Nationwide data interoperability between healthcare providers enables the precision medicine approach and allows to diagnose and treat patients more effectively, in terms of accuracy and cost.
  • Smart Contracts automate administrative and financial communication between the patient, his insurance company and the medical service providers.
  • eBloque allows to track drugs and specific healthcare supplies across the supply chain to prevent counterfeiting.

Government systems are often slow, opaque, and prone to corruption. Implementing blockchain-based systems can significantly reduce bureaucracy and increase security, efficiency, and transparency of government operations. eBloque-chain provides a point-to-point consent solution to establish trust between a consenting party and a receiving party. eBloque also enables smart contracts to adhere to regulatory statutes, governing when and how consent should be applied. eBloque-chains have the potential to revolutionize the activities of government. The potential use cases of blockchain technology in government include:

  1. Healthcare
  2. National Identity Management Systems
  3. Tax and Internal Revenue Monitoring
  4. Voting
  5. Secure Banking Services etc.

Government leaders are beginning to recognize blockchain’s potential to address the challenges of sharing data. Governments can start the journey by taking a few pragmatic steps to explore the application of blockchain:

  • Understand the fundamentals of distributed ledger technology. eBloque team can help educate.
  • Start a small blockchain pilot project to acquire hands on experience of the technology’s transformation value — beginning with one or two service providers and a limited set of data.
  • Build a minimum viable product in a production environment.
  • Scale the solution as fast as feasible for your ecosystem.

Most governments are just beginning to understand and explore the technology. But government visionaries and leaders are recognizing the potential of this transformative technology and beginning that journey.

Smart City

eBloque can provide a road map to Cities interested in creating smart cities by transforming transactions with the distributed ledger technology. eBloque has a competitive and rigorous process, with deep technical expertise and a strong commitment to support the development of the technology towards interoperability. There are many different areas in which blockchain can be used to transform traditional processes:

  • Digitize health records on blockchain to provide patients and care providers with secure access to medical data.
  • Citizens can cast votes the same way they initiate other secure transactions and validate that their votes were cast—or even verify the election results with secure digital identity management, anonymous vote-casting, individualized ballot processes.
  • Transfer titles of illiquid assets on blockchain to increase security and efficiency.
  • Streamline ID verification to reduce business registration times.
  • Use blockchain-based wills and contracts to ease transfer of ownership.
  • Deeds and titling not only provide critical protection for home/land buyers in developed nations—they serve as a basis for investment and economic growth. A reliable property record can be created and maintained.
  • Boost tourism in the city through a blockchain-based program that would allow visitors to better earn and spend loyalty points.
  • Apply blockchain to digitize any records such as electric bills, water bills for customers.
Banking and Finance

Blockchain technology can potentially disrupt the financial industry that we know and use today. Here are just a few of the top ways I believe it will transform finance and banking:

  • Fraud Prevention: The blockchain is essentially a distributed ledger where each block contains a timestamp and holds batches of individual transactions with a link to a previous block. This technology would eliminate some of the current crimes being perpetuated online today against our financial institutions.
  • Speeding up and simplifying cross-border payments: The transfer of value has always been an expensive and slow process. This is particularly true for cross-border payments. Blockchain technology is able to speed up and simplify this process - and also reduces the costs significantly.
  • Share trading: Share trading will soon be impacted by blockchain technology. Utilizing blockchain technology allows for greater trade accuracy, and a shorter settlement process.
  • Smart contracts: One of the most promising applications of blockchain technology is the smart contract. It can execute commercial transactions and agreements automatically. It also enforces the obligations of all parties in a contract – without the added expense of a middleman.
  • Identity management: When identity management is moved to blockchain technology, users are able to choose how to identify themselves and who will be informed. They still need to register their identity on the blockchain somehow, but after that, they can re-use that identification for other services.
  • Loyalty and rewards: Blockchain technology offers many benefits, including transparency and traceability of transactions. This will help banks and insurers to create a more captivating loyalty and rewards program that fits 24/7 performance management and enhances engagement.
Supply Chain

Many supply chains face challenges that have significant implications in terms of cost, speed, and (product) quality. In our experience, the most critical supply chain challenges—despite years of efforts and often significant investments—are lack of transparency due to inconsistent or even unavailable data, high proportion of manual (paper) work, lack of interoperability, and limited information on the product’s lifecycle or transport history. In many cases, blockchain applications can counter these inefficiencies and add new value. eBloque-chain technology, which offers a more decentralized approach to data management and sharing, can improve the transparency, speed, and responsiveness of these complex ecosystems by the following means:

  • Time-stamping, tracking, and automating transactions, so that events can be audited in real time
  • Minimizing the involvement of intermediaries such as bankers, insurers, and brokers
  • Setting up a wide range of self-executing contracts to automate repetitive processes such as billing and shipping
  • Establishing proof of quality, provenance, payment, and performance to minimize counterfeiting and fraud
  • Making it easier, faster, and cheaper to onboard new vendors and partners by assigning digital IDs
Augmented Reality

eBloque-chain allows to securely exchange goods and services online independently of banks and credit card companies, and AR/VR are great visualization tools. VR technology can enable people to access live performance — music, theatre, etc. — from the comfort of their homes and at an accessible price. Performers could connect to an online marketplace and have a control over access and pricing for their content. Artists could display their work in augmented reality so that the potential buyer sees how the piece would look in their space. VR lends itself particularly to things like how-to videos and travelogues. The viewer can virtually drive a luxury car down a road in rural Italy, authorize a small payment to the content creator. The combination of AR/VR and blockchain capabilities could lead to a restructuring of offline economies, creation of new virtual economies, and the redesign of aspects of daily life presumed “natural” (i.e.: work, shopping, or leisure). The future of AR and VR presumes an increased level of immersion and interconnectivity between the offline and online world. As the technology improves, no doubt it will be adopted widely by consumers and businesses

Digital Identity

There are many problems in the current identity management system. Users enter their data and register on several online platforms and websites, and have to create and remember numerous passwords. People can’t update all their credentials and digital identities simultaneously. This undermines security and convenience. Additionally, as the Equifax hack showed, bad actors need to break into just one major database to gain every user’s information. In short, current data identity practices are unsustainable. An individual’s ID can be used to vote, file taxes, withdraw funds from banks, register property and comply with other government reporting requirements. Since digital IDs are issued by governments, the information collected is stored in a centralized database. Centralized storage of data creates a single point of failure. To keep such data secure, extremely strict controls and protocols need to be in place. eBloque-chain technology stores data in a decentralized, trusted and immutable manner. eBloque can ensure that a user’s single digital identity is stored in a secure and incorruptible manner. This single digital identity can always be up-to-date with the latest user information.

Real Estate

Anyone who has ever purchased or sold a home knows just how much paperwork is involved in a real estate transaction. eBloque-chain technology can completely change the current headache that all of these documents cause. By using eBloque-chain, all of the documents and transaction records can be stored securely with measurably less work and less cost.The use of blockchain can also potentially eliminate the escrow process. The technology can create smart contracts that release funding only when the conditions are met. Additionally, many people in the process of working with a real estate agent know how frustrating the commission rates can be, with many charging up to 6 percent. eBloque's distributed architecture gives power back to homeowners and buyers by tokenizing the process and eliminating any middlemen, barring direct interactions between agents and customers. The information about commercial real estate is now stored in various governmental and private property registers. Often this means bureaucracy, unclear transactions history and high transaction fees. Implementation of the blockchain technology allows to:

  • Create Commercial Real Estate global immutable registry
  • Keep clear transaction and credit history, recording who owned a place before and reducing the risks of fraud
  • Utilize Smart Contracts to replace the real estate market intermediaries — sales agents, inspectors, appraisers, title and escrow companies — which means lower or no transaction fees, usually as high as 10 percent in the real estate sector
  • Create Multisig addresses, helping automate the real estate rental procedure
Internet of Things

The world is full of connected devices – and more are coming. In 2017, there were an estimated 8.4 billion internet-enabled thermostats, cameras, streetlights and other electronics. By 2020 that number could exceed 20 billion, and by 2030 there could be 500 billion or more. Because they’ll all be online all the time, each of those devices – whether a voice-recognition personal assistant or a pay-by-phone parking meter a temperature sensor deep in an industrial robot – will be vulnerable to a cyberattack and could even be part of one. Today, many “smart” internet-connected devices are made by large companies with well-known brand names, like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Samsung, which have both the technological systems and the marketing incentive to fix any security problems quickly. But that’s not the case in the increasingly crowded world of smaller internet-enabled devices, like light bulbs, doorbells and even packages shipped by UPS. Those devices – and their digital “brains” – are typically made by unknown companies, many in developing countries, without the funds or ability – or the brand-recognition need – to incorporate strong security features. Insecure “internet of things” devices have already contributed to major cyber-disasters across the U.S. The solution to this problem could be a new way of tracking and distributing security software updates using eBloque solutions. The biggest connection, naturally, revolves around security issues. Blockchain as a powerful way to bring scalable, decentralized security and trust to IoT devices, applications and platforms, which are similarly distributed and decentralized. Four ways IoT can exploit blockchain technology:

  1. Trust building
  2. Cost reduction
  3. Accelerated data exchanges
  4. Scaled security

Insurance and IOT - eBloque technology can provide a simple infrastructure for two devices to directly transfer a piece of property such as money or data between one another with a secured and reliable time-stamped contractual handshake. Blockchain in insurance are smart contracts and the enhancement of several processes such as claims management. Other applications include fraud management, legally required applications and even the usage of technologies in an insurance context. IoT data and blockchain can lead to intelligent automated insurance policy applications In the scope of blockchain and IoT it’s interesting to look at the combination of blockchain and the Internet of Things as it’s used in insurance and will increasingly be, moving beyond the pure telematics model to the connection of real-time IoT data in various perspectives for various intelligent automated insurance policy applications.

Energy and IOT - Among the main building management and building energy management evolutions is convergence, as is the case in so many areas where IoT comes in. One of the areas where this happens is leveraging energy coming from local solar or wind systems and microgrids in the scope of energy efficiency and facility optimization. As energy becomes an increasingly digital, decentralized and IoT-enabled given on various levels, including sensors on IoT and critical power buildings, one can easily imagine a scenario whereby excess renewable energy could be sold and bought via blockchain.